January 25, 2006
Effects of the Coriolis on the Environment
By Frank J. Collazo
Introduction: The Coriolis Effects was chosen
as the topic for the project because the equation is used to correct errors due
to the earth’s rotation to major strategic weapon systems. The effect is well heralded among
industrialized nations producing strategic weaponry. The correction is necessary to compensate for the rotation of the
earth in navigation, ballistic trajectories, understanding of hurricanes and
their trajectories for prediction, and most of all, solar navigation by
In the northern hemisphere, the
Corolis Effect causes moving objects and currents to be deflected to the right;
in the southern hemisphere it causes deflection to the left.
As air begins to flow from high to
low pressure, the Earth rotates under it making the wind follow a curved
path. In the Northern Hemisphere, the
wind turns to the right of its direction of motion. In the Southern Hemisphere, it turns to the left. The Coriolis force is zero at the equator.
Gaspard de Coriolis
The effect is named after its
discoverer, French mathematician Gaspard de Coriolis (1792–1843).
Force: Coriolis Force and Coriolis Acceleration, in
mechanics, are additional forces or accelerations acting on the motion of
bodies in a rotating system of reference.
For example, an object moving above the Earth in a generally northerly
or southerly direction, and with a constant velocity relative to space, will be
deflected in relation to the rotation of Earth. This deflection is clockwise in the northern hemisphere and
counterclockwise in the southern hemisphere.
The effect is named after the French physicist Gaspard de Coriolis, who
first analyzed the phenomenon mathematically.
Coriolis forces are of considerable importance in determining prevailing
winds and ocean currents and also in the analysis of the flight paths of
missiles and rockets.
science of meteorology benefited from advances in other sciences, technology,
and mathematics. In 1660 Irish-born
English scientist Robert Boyle discovered the relationship between pressure and
volume of a gas. English meteorologist
George Hadley, in 1735, used physics and mathematics to explain how the earth’s
rotation influences the trade winds in the tropics. By flying a kite in a thunderstorm in 1752, American statesman
and scientist Benjamin Franklin demonstrated the electrical nature of
lightning. French chemist Jacques
Charles, in 1787, discovered the relationship between temperature and volume in
a gas. In 1835 French physicist Gaspard
de Coriolis mathematically demonstrated the effect that the earth’s rotation
has on atmospheric motions.
Coriolis Force is an artifact of the earth's
rotation. Once air has been set in motion
by the pressure gradient force, it undergoes an apparent deflection from its
path, as seen by an observer on the earth.
This apparent deflection is called the "Coriolis Force" and is
a result of the earth's rotation.
As air moves from high to low pressure in the northern hemisphere, it is
deflected to the right by the Coriolis force.
In the southern hemisphere, air moving from high to low pressure is
deflected to the left by the Coriolis force.
The amount of deflection the air
makes is directly related to both the speed at which the air is moving and its
latitude. Therefore, slowly blowing
winds will be deflected only a small amount, while stronger winds will be
deflected more. Likewise, winds blowing
closer to the poles will be deflected more than winds at the same speed closer
to the equator. The Coriolis Force is
zero right at the equator.
Gradient Force: The Pressure Gradient Force is directed from high to low pressure. The change in pressure measured across a
given distance is called a "pressure gradient."
The pressure gradient results in a
net force that is directed from high to low pressure, and this force is called
the "pressure gradient force."
Pressure Centers
are also known as anticyclones. A high-pressure center is where the pressure
has been measured to be the highest relative to its surroundings. That means, moving in any direction away
from the "High" will result in a decrease in pressure. A high-pressure center also represents the
center of an anticyclone and is indicated on a weather map by a blue
Pressure Centers
are also known as cyclones. A low-pressure center is where the pressure
has been measured to be the lowest relative to its surroundings. That means, moving in any horizontal
direction away from the "Low" will result in an increase in
pressure. Low-pressure centers also
represent the centers of cyclones.
A low pressure center is indicated
on a weather map by a red "L" and winds flow counterclockwise around
a low in the northern hemisphere. The
opposite is true in the southern hemisphere, where winds flow clockwise around
an area of low pressure.
Wind: Winds balanced by the Coriolis and pressure gradient
forces. An air parcel initially at rest
will move from high pressure to low pressure because of the Pressure Gradient
Force (PGF). However, as
that air parcel begins to move, it is deflected by the Coriolis force
to the right in the northern hemisphere (to the left on the southern
hemisphere). As the wind gains speed,
the deflection increases until the Coriolis force equals the pressure gradient
force. At this point, the wind will be
blowing parallel to the isobars. When this happens, the wind is referred to
as geotropic.
The movie below illustrates the
process mentioned above, while the diagram at right shows the two forces
balancing to produce the geotropic wind.
Winds in nature are rarely exactly geotropic, but to a good approximation,
the winds in the upper troposphere can be close. This is because winds are only considered truly geotropic when
the isobars are straight and there are no other forces acting on it -- and
these conditions just aren't found too often in nature.
of Animal Navigation: In 1942 Henry L. Yeagley,
a Pennsylvania State College physicist, proposed that a homing pigeon could
tune into the earth’s magnetic field and, simultaneously, sense the effect of
the earth’s rotation on its flight path—the Coriolis effect, named after the
French engineer who described it.
Yeagley argued that magnetic and Coriolis information would create a
“navigational grid work” akin to lines of latitude and longitude, thus
supplying the two coordinates for position finding. Yeagley’s experiments were dismissed by those who thought it
farfetched that a pigeon could sense the earth’s rotation. “Though Yeagley didn't really prove his
case, history is showing that he was asking the right questions,” says
Kreithen, who agrees that a pigeon might sense the earth's rotation. “People on a revolving disk detect rotations
as slow as one every 2.4 hours. That's
just an order of magnitude away from detecting the rotation of the earth. So it's not unreasonable to ask if an animal
has that ability.”
Gould comments: “Given the contradictory results we get in pigeon studies, we
probably should go out and do Yeagley’s experiments again. “At the turn of the century,” Gould
continues, “we assumed that animals were color-blind, and it was an incredible
shock for some of us to learn that bees had color vision. Later on we discovered that fish could hear,
pigeons could see ultraviolet light, and snakes have an infrared sensing
apparatus. “The whole history of animal
behavior is the animals taking us by surprise,” says Gould. “Why shouldn't they have some surprises for
us now?”
Navigation by Birds: There has been
considerable argument about how pigeons find their home roosts. Mechanisms involving the sun's altitude, the
sun's change of altitude, Coriolis forces, and terrestrial magnetism have all
been proposed to explain this phenomenon.
The technique of taking birds away from the roost, releasing them, and
estimating their direction of departure is expensive, inaccurate, and inconclusive.
A recent
technique of operant training used by A. Whiten of the University of Bristol
overcomes these problems. The birds
were trained to peck keys arranged in a circle around them and were rewarded
when they pecked the key that pointed toward home. Therefore, when the birds
were taken north, they pecked the south-facing key. When the birds were taken north—but the apparent altitude of the
sun was changed to that of a position south of home by means of a prism—the
birds reacted as if they had been taken south.
Then, in the laboratory the birds considered home, artificial suns were
set up with arcs corresponding to solar arcs visible at positions away from
home; the birds reacted as if they had been moved from home to the spots
indicated by the artificial suns. In
this way, Whiten demonstrated the importance of solar position in the homing
behavior of pigeons.
How the
pigeons perceive and use this solar information is not clear, but a fairly
accurate clock is required. Pigeons can
also navigate in overcast conditions, but their performance is seriously
affected by altering the magnetic field, as William Keeton of Cornell
University has shown. Even in sunny
conditions, inexperienced pigeons or pigeons released far from home are upset
if magnets are glued to their backs. So
it is likely that pigeons use a variety of cues in their homing, with the
importance of each depending on the weather conditions.
Winds: The trade winds are a major part of the
general circulation pattern of the earth’s atmosphere. They blow from a high-pressure belt near 30°
latitude in each hemisphere, called a subtropical high, toward a low-pressure
belt near the equator called the equatorial low. In the equatorial low the air rises and travels aloft to the
subtropical highs, where it then sinks.
Because of the apparent deflecting force of the earth’s rotation, known
as the Coriolis force, the trade winds do not blow due south or due north
toward the equator. Instead, they blow
from the northeast in the northern hemisphere and from the southeast in the
southern hemisphere. The entire trade
wind belt system moves about 5° of latitude northward during summer (July) and
southward during winter (December).
Giant Ocean Cataracts: The study of real-world cataracts must take into account the fact that oceans contain many basins. Certain complicating factors that I shall discuss below, such as the Coriolis force and friction, also enter the picture, with the result that the paths of some cataracts are not oriented from north to south and do not end at the Equator. Nevertheless, the simple model accounts for most of the observations: cataracts of cold, dense water flow from the polar basins into the temperate-latitude basins. At each stage the water is warmed through skimming and mixing. Thus the bottom temperature of ocean basins increases toward the Equator.
the Coriolis Force: The Coriolis
force does influence long-lasting vortices.
Pressure differences tend
to push winds in straight paths. Yet winds follow curved paths across the
Earth. In 1835, Gustave-Gaspard
Coriolis, a French scientist, first described mathematically what's going on,
giving his name to the Coriolis force.
In simple terms,
as air begins flowing from high to low pressure, the Earth rotates under it,
making the wind follow a curved path.
In the Northern Hemisphere, the wind turns to the right of its direction
of motion. In the Southern Hemisphere,
it turns to the left. The Coriolis
force is zero at the equator.
You might be wondering: If the Coriolis
force turns winds to the right in the Northern Hemisphere, then why do winds go
counterclockwise around large systems such as hurricanes north of the equator?
This happens because Coriolis is
only one of the forces acting on air to cause winds. In simple terms, in the Northern Hemisphere, while the Coriolis
force is pushing the wind toward the right, the pressure-gradient force, caused
by air pressure differences, is pushing the air toward the center of the area
of low pressure and for various reasons is stronger then the Coriolis force.
Flush this nonsense down the drain. Don't believe what you hear about Coriolis making the water in a sink or toilet rotate one way as it drains in one hemisphere, the other way in the other hemisphere. The Coriolis force is noticeable only for large-scale motions such as winds. The winds move counterclockwise around storms in the Northern Hemisphere while the Coriolis force pushes moving objects to the right, and why it is correct to call it the "Coriolis force," instead of the "Coriolis effect."
Coriolis Force and Hurricanes: The fact that the
Coriolis force is zero at the equator and very weak near the equator, explains
why tropical cyclones such as hurricanes and typhoons won't form on the equator
even though the other factors there, such as warm ocean water, would make them
likely. But, the idea that you don't
have to worry about tropical cyclones in the zone about 180 miles north and
south of the equator isn't a sure thing.
Storm: The rotation of the Earth also affects the
movement of air. In the northern
hemisphere, Earth’s rotation deflects air from left to right, while in the
southern hemisphere, it deflects air from right to left. This deflection is called the Coriolis effect
(see Coriolis Force). As air moves
toward a low-pressure center, the deflection causes the air to spiral around
the center rather than travel straight into the center. The inward spiraling of air causes the
formation of circular bands of thunderstorms, which are a distinctive feature
of tropical storms and hurricanes, along with spiraling winds. The spiraling winds rotate faster as they
approach the center. Centrifugal force
flings the rotating air outward, making it increasingly difficult for air to
reach the center (see Centripetal Force).
Effect on Missile Trajectory: The Coriolis force only
operates on objects traveling in a north-south direction; and it really is the
latitudinal differences in easterly component that causes the behavior. In fact, the magnitude of the Coriolis force
is independent of the direction in which something is moving. If you were to present your example as if it
were an explanation of the Coriolis force, you are now stuck with its inability
to handle the behavior of a missile as it goes similarly off track after being
fired in an easterly or westerly direction.
Things Attributed to the Coriolis Force: Factors attributed to the earth’s rotation: The
direction of rotation that arises out of the rocking motion of Celts (known
commercially as rattle backs). Its
shape, in fact, determines the interesting motion of Celts.
In the 1945 movie, Adventure, the Clark Gable character apparently points out
that ringlets in a women’s hair curl in one direction in the Northern
Hemisphere, the opposite direction in the Southern hemisphere!
spiraling hooks with which vines cling to their supports are asserted
(incorrectly) to change from one hemisphere to the other.
direction dog’s turn before lying down has been claimed to be dependent upon
the hemisphere in which they live.
"Getting Around The Coriolis
Introduction and Motivation: At some point in
their lives, most people hear about the Coriolis force, whether in reference to
weather patterns, sea currents or, most prosaically, which way water flows down
the sink. Unfortunately, while many
have heard of it, few understand it well enough to explain it without resorting
to vector equations.
Of course, most physics textbooks, which deal with angular kinematics will have
the following equation relating the Coriolis force to an object's mass (m), its
velocity in a rotating frame (vr) and the angular velocity of the
rotating frame of reference:
FCoriolis = -2 m ( x vr)
The text will then either explain
the Coriolis force in terms of angular quantities such as conservation of
angular momentum, or will use the Coriolis force to illustrate the angular
kinematics. Unfortunately, most of us
are not comfortable with angular mechanics.
It would not be an exaggeration to say that some students dread it. Nor can we expect students to enter the
classroom understanding the Coriolis force.
Hence, whether using physics to explain the phenomenon or using the
phenomenon to explain the physics, students are shaky on both sides of this
So, what to do? This article intends to
develop a means of explaining the Coriolis effect to people who haven't yet
grasped angular mechanics. The
explanation relies on linear quantities and uses rotational concepts infrequently.
The Basic Premises: The following
principles are needed before starting the body of the explanation.
Newton's First Law in component
form - Objects in motion stay in motion unless acted on by an unbalanced force.
A vector component of velocity will not be changed by a force perpendicular to
that component.
Spherical Geometry of the Earth -
X degrees of longitude gives you different distances between longitude lines
(in miles or kilometers) at different latitudes, plus a few additional results
of being on a sphere which will be detailed later.
Gravity - Objects under the
influence of Earth's gravity will fall towards (and thus orbit) the center of
mass of the Earth.
Force - In one way of looking at
it, a force is anything that causes a mass to accelerate in one's frame of
reference. However, most people think
of force as "something doing something to something." The Coriolis effect is a force in the first
sense, but not in the second sense: nothing is actually pushing or pulling on
anything, the acceleration is due to the fact that the observer is moving in a
circle. From this point on, the
Coriolis effect will not be directly called a force, even though that's how
it's normally characterized.
Note: Premise 2 is probably the easiest to accept since you can draw on
a globe to demonstrate that an inch is 15 degrees of longitude at one latitude
and 30 degrees at another. Having a
ball or globe on hand for the explanation is generally helpful. Premises 1 and 3 require some science
background, however, but should be acceptable to students in mechanics courses.
Explanation of the Coriolis
While all Coriolis-based deflection can be explained using rotational
concepts, a linear explanation is simpler if you separate the effects into those
in the north/south direction and those in the east/west direction. The deflection of objects moving north and
south can be explained without invoking centripetal acceleration, as we see
The Earth Moves Under My Feet:
North/South Motion: Note first that all points on the Earth have the same rotational velocity, the
earth goes around once per day. Also,
places at different latitudes have different linear speeds. A point near the equator may go around a
thousand miles in an hour, while one near the North Pole could be moving only a
few dozen miles in an hour.
Normally, objects in contact with the ground travel the same speed as the ground they stand on. As a result, the Coriolis effect generally
doesn't have a noticeable effect to people on the ground; the speed of the
point you're standing on and the speed of the point you're stepping onto are
too close for you to tell the difference.
Or, looking back at the Coriolis effect equation above, if the velocity
relative to the rotating frame (the Earth) is zero, so is the Coriolis effect.
However, when an object moves north or south and is not firmly connected to the
ground (air, artillery fire, etc), then it maintains its initial eastward speed
as it moves. This is just an
application of Newton's First Law. An
object moving east continues going east at that speed (both direction and
magnitude remain the same) until something exerts a force on it to change its
velocity. Objects launched to the north
from the equator retain the eastward component of velocity of other objects
sitting at the equator. But if they
travel far enough away from the equator, they will no longer be going east at
the same speed as the ground beneath them.
The result is that an object traveling away
from the equator will eventually be heading east faster than the ground below
it and will seem to be moved east by some mysterious "force." Objects traveling towards the equator will
eventually be going more slowly than the ground beneath them and will seem to
be forced west. In reality there is no
actual force involved; the ground is simply moving at a different speed than
its original "home ground" speed, which the object retains.
Consider Figure 1. Yellow arrow 1
represents an object sent north from the equator. By the time it reaches the labeled northern latitude, it has
traveled farther east than a similar point on the ground at that latitude has,
since it kept the eastward speed it had when it left the equator. Similarly, green arrow 2 started south of
the equator at a slower eastward speed, and doesn't go as far east as the
ground at the equator...seeming to deflect west from the point of view of the
It Used To
Be East/West Motion: In explaining
how the Coriolis effect acts on objects moving to the east or west, it helps to
turn off gravity for a moment. Don't worry, we'll turn it back on later, just
be sure to put the lid back on your coffee.
being on a rotating sphere with no gravity. An observer who is glued to the
sphere throws a ball straight to the "east" on the globe, in the
direction of rotation. Since there are
no forces on the ball, it will travel in a straight line, the tangent line
shown in Figure 2 at t=0.
Time passes, and the ball
continues on its straight line. But the
observer is attached to the globe and moves around to a new position. At this new position, the observer's definition
of the "east" direction has changed, and is no longer the same as it
was at time t=0. The ball is no longer
traveling on the observer's "east" line, and, in fact, seems to have
drifted off to one side. If the globe
is spinning slowly enough that the observer can't feel the spin, then the
natural conclusion would be that some mysterious force pushed the ball off
course, sending it drifting away from the axis of rotation more quickly than it
would go if it were still heading the "correct" easterly direction.
Similarly, if the observer throws a ball to the west at time t=0, it will seem
to have been forced inward towards the axis of rotation because the
"west" line has moved. Now to
turn gravity back on. Gravity pulls
objects towards the center of mass of the Earth, which means it cannot change
an object's velocity in the directions perpendicular to up and down. In other words, it won't change the
east/west or north/south components of an object's velocity.
Figure 3 states there is a slice through the Earth. The eastbound projectile would seem to drift
away from the axis, while the westbound projectile would seem to drift towards
the axis. Both of these lines have been
split into components, with one component being "up/down" and the
other being "north/south."
Gravity will act against any "up" components, and the presence
of the ground will act against any "down" components, so projectiles
will stay within the "atmosphere."
As a result of
gravity pulling down on objects and the ground holding them up, the remaining
effect of the Coriolis effect on objects heading east or west is to deflect
them to the north or south. In the
northern hemisphere, objects heading east are deflected to the south, for
example. The Coriolis effect
"pushes" them away from the axis, and gravity pulls the object back
down to the ground so that the remaining effect is an apparent "push"
to the south.
It's worth noting that this effect is weakest at the equator, since there are
no north/south components to "great circle" motion moving east or
west along the equator. And, of course,
it's also weakest at the poles, since there's no meaningful east or west motion. It turns out that this effect is strongest
at mid-latitudes.
Low Pressure Systems: Now we've
explained how things moving towards the poles curve to the east, things moving
away from the poles curve to the west, things moving east curve towards the
equator, and things moving west curve towards the poles. In other words, air (or anything else)
moving freely in the northern hemisphere deflect to the right, air moving
freely in the southern hemisphere deflect to the left. And this is what the result of the vector
cross products in the Coriolis effect equation says as well, in its
mathematical shorthand.
What does this mean for, say, weather systems?
Take, for example, a low-pressure center where there's less air than in
the area around it. If there's less air
in one place than in the surroundings, air will try to move in to balance
things out.
starting at rest with respect to the ground will move towards a low-pressure
center. Such motion in the Northern Hemisphere will deflect to its right, as
shown in Figure 4. However, the forces that got the air moving towards the
low-pressure center in the first place are still around, and the result will be
a vortex of air spinning counter-clockwise. Air will try to turn to the right,
the low-pressure system will try to draw the air into itself, and the result is
that air is held into a circle that actually turns to the left. Without the Coriolis effect, fluid rushing
in towards a point could still form a vortex, but the direction would either be
random or depend solely on the initial conditions of the fluid.
The eye of a hurricane is a clear example of fast winds bent into a tight
circle, moving so fast that they can't be "pulled in" to the
center. The very low pressure at the
center of the hurricane means that there is a strong force pulling air towards
the center, but the high speed of the wind invokes the Coriolis effect strongly
enough that the forces reach a kind of balance. The net force on air at the eye wall is a centripetal force large
enough to keep the air out at a given radius determined by its speed.
Other Results and Non-Results: "Fine," you may say, "that explains
storms. But what about water going down
the sink?” In fact, this question is a
good "hook" for getting students interested in the Coriolis effect in
the first place.
Because the Earth's angular velocity is so small (360 degrees per day, or about
7 x 10-5 radians per second) the Coriolis effect isn't really
significant over small distances (as equation 1 shows). High velocity also can make a difference,
but for the purposes of this paper small distance-high speed effects will not
be considered. So, what things are likely
to be affected by the Coriolis effect in a large way?
Up in the Air: Just looking at a weather system on the nightly news
gives one example that has already been addressed. Large weather systems feature masses of air and moisture that
travel hundreds of miles and can have wind speeds reaching over a hundred miles
an hour in the worst storms.
Another example of a quickly moving object in the sky, which covers hundreds of
miles, is an airplane. All pilots need
to have familiarity with the effects of the Coriolis effect, since airplanes
can reach speeds much higher than even the fastest hurricane winds. Over the course of a several hour trip, an
airplane could be deflected by a significant amount if the pilot did not
compensate for the Coriolis effect.
Long-distance artillery may or may not be another example of something requiring
a Coriolis correction. I have seen some
papers that say it is negligible compared to the Magnus force (a result of the
fact artillery shells spin) and others that claim it is important on its own.
What about Water Going the Wrong Way Down the Sink: In a kitchen sink, of course, speeds and
time scales are much smaller than hours and miles. Water rushing down a drain flows at speeds on the order of a
meter per second in most sinks that are less than a meter wide. Qualitatively, there doesn't seem to be much
chance for deflection. Putting these
numbers into Equation 1 results in an estimated change in rotation of only a
fraction of a degree per second, and a very small fraction at that...less than
an arc-second (1/3600th of a degree) per second over the course of the entire
draining of the sink, ignoring additional effects caused by conservation of
angular momentum and the like.
Under extremely controlled
conditions, this can cause water to flow out of a container counter-clockwise
in the northern hemisphere and clockwise in the southern hemisphere, but your
kitchen sink is not so controlled.
Things like leftover spin from filling the sink (even when the water
looks still, it's rotating slowly for a long time after it seems to stop)
irregularities in the construction of the basin, convection currents if the
water is warmer or colder than the basin, and so forth, can affect the
direction water goes down the sink. Any one of these factors is usually more
than enough to overwhelm the small contribution of the Coriolis effect in your
kitchen sink or bathtub. Research in
the 1960s showed that if you do carefully eliminate these factors, the Coriolis
effect can be observed.
Water in the sink doesn't go far
enough to trigger a noticeable north/south deflection. Most often, it simply
spirals down the sink the way it went into the sink, and the same is true of
things like the famous "demonstration" of the Coriolis effect shown
at tourist traps along the Equator (especially since east/west deflection is
absent). Maybe there is a conspiracy to
manufacture right-handed sinks in the Northern Hemisphere and left-handed sinks
in the Southern Hemisphere? In any
case, do not blame it on the Coriolis effect unless your sink is the size of a
small ocean.
Coriolis Effect Equation: In physics, the Coriolis effect is an inertial force
first described by Gaspard Gustave Coriolis, a French scientist in 1835. When the equations of motion are formulated
in a rotating coordinate system, a term arises which looks like a force called
the Coriolis force.
In changing from an essentially
inertial coordinate system (such as the "frame of the fixed stars")
to a rotating frame of reference (such as that of the Earth's surface) a term
appears in the equation of motion described by the formula: Where bold
indicates vector quantities, m is mass, v is the
velocity and Ω is the angular velocity of the coordinate
system. Note that this equation ignores
the second-order term in Ω, which in geophysical terms is
small and can anyway be absorbed into the gravitational potential term.
This equation means that the force
will be proportional to the velocity of the object and the rotation of the
coordinate system. The force will be in
a direction perpendicular to the velocity (and thus does no work). If an object is traveling on earth in the
northern hemisphere, the Coriolis force will deflect the object to the
right. In the southern hemisphere the
reverse is true, while at the equator the horizontal component of the force is
zero for horizontal motions. For
instance, the effect breaks up the atmospheric circulation from atmospheric
circulation of the tropics to the polar regions into a series of cells in which
the surface winds have a prevailing eastward or westward component.
The Coriolis force plays a strong
role in weather patterns, where it affects prevailing winds and the rotation of
storms, as well as in the direction of ocean currents. Above the atmospheric boundary layer,
friction plays a relatively minor role, as air parcels move mostly parallel to
each other. Here, an approximate
balance between pressure gradient force and Coriolis force exists, causing the
geotropic wind, which is the wind effected by these two forces only to blow along
isobars (along lines of constant geopotential height, to be precise). Thus a northern hemispheric low-pressure
system rotates in a counterclockwise direction, while northern hemispheric
high-pressure systems or cyclones on the southern hemisphere rotate in a
clockwise manner, as described by Buys-Ballors Law.
The Coriolis effect must also be
considered in astronomy and stellar dynamic, where it affects phenomena such as
the rotational direction of sunspots.
The flight paths of airplanes, artillery shells, and missiles must
account for the Coriolis effect or risk being off course by significant
The Coriolis effect can also be
observed in the motion of a simple pendulum.
For instance, if a pendulum is set swinging at the North pole, the
pendulum will oscillate in a fix plane while the earth rotates beneath it. Hence for an observer on earth, the plane of
oscillation would appear to rotate once a day.
This effect is present at other latitudes although the oscillations are
more complicated but the phenomenon is qualitatively the same.
Foucault's Pendulum:
Named after the French
physicist Jean Foucalt, it was conceived as an experiment to demonstrate the
rotation of the Earth and the Coriolis Effect.
It is a tall pendulum free to oscillate in any vertical plane and capable
of running for many hours, and was first exhibited in 1851 from the ceiling of
the Pantheon in Paris.
At almost any location on Earth --
except the equator -- it can be observed that the plane within which the
pendulum swings slowly rotates. At
either the North Pole or South Pole, the plane of oscillation of a pendulum
rotates once per sidereal day (in essence, the pendulum remains in the same
plane while the Earth rotates underneath it, as predicted by Newton’s first Law
of motion). At other latitudes, the plane
of oscillation of a pendulum rotates with an angular speed proportional to the
sine of its latitude; thus one at 45° rotates once every 1.4 days and one at
30° every 2 days.
Another classical instance where
the Coriolis force produces a measurable effect is in the deflection of falling
object. Hence, in the northern
hemisphere, a body falling freely is deflected to the east.
Although the Coriolis force is
relatively small and does not have an observable influence on small systems
such as the whirlpool of a draining bathtub, toilet or sink, the Coriolis
effect can have a visible effect over large amounts of time and has been
observed to cause uneven wear on railroad tracks and cause rivers to dig their
beds deeper on one side.
Mass Flow Meter: A practical
application of the Coriolis force is the mass flow meter, an instrument that
measures the mass flow rate of a fluid through a tube. The instrument was introduced in 1977 by
Micro Motion Inc. Simple flow meters
measure volume flow rate, which is proportional to mass flow rate only when the
density of the fluid is constant. If
the fluid has varying density, or contains bubbles, then the volume flow rate
multiplied by the density is not an accurate measure of the mass flow rate.
The Coriolis mass flow meter works
by applying a vibrating force to a curved tube through which the fluid
passes. The Coriolis effect creates a
force on the tube perpendicular to both the direction of vibration and the
direction of flow. This force is
measured to give the mass flow rate.
Coriolis flow meters can also be used with non-Newtonian fluids, which
tend to give inaccurate results with volume flow meters. The same instrument can be used to measure
the density of the fluid, since this affects the resonant frequency of the
vibrating tube.
A further advantage of this
instrument is that the fluid is contained in a smooth tube, with no moving
parts that would need to be cleaned and maintained, and that would impede the
flow. Effects due to the Coriolis force
also appear in atomic physics. In
polyatomic molecules, the molecule motion can be described by a rigid body
rotation and internal vibration of atoms about their equilibrium position. As a result of the vibrations of the atoms,
the atoms are in motion relative to the rotating coordinate system of the
molecule. A Coriolis force is therefore present and will cause the atoms to
move into a direction perpendicular to the original oscillations. This leads to a mixing in molecular spectra
between the rotational and vibration levels.
Is the Coriolis Force
"Fictitious?" It is common to see the Coriolis force
described as "making it look like a force is acting upon the object, but
actually there is no real force acting on the object." This prompts the question, "what is a
real force?" From the viewpoint of
General Relativity, all coordinate systems are equivalent in describing
physical processes, but in changing from one system to another things that look
like forces will arise. For example, at
the surface of Earth it is possible to (locally) remove the gravitational force
by changing to a coordinate system accelerating towards the center of
Earth. But none would call gravity
Buys-Ballot's Law: Buys-Ballot's law, in
meteorology, is the name given to a law which may be expressed as follows: In
the Northern Hemisphere, stand with your back to the wind; the low pressure
area will be on your left. In other
words, wind travels counter clockwise around low-pressure zones in the Northern
Hemisphere. It is approximately true in
the higher latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere, and is reversed in the
southern Hemisphere, but the angle between barometric gradient and wind is not
a right angle in low latitudes.
Because of the Earth’s spherical
shape and its rotation, the planet’s centrifugal force and the Coriolis effect
affect weather. When a low-pressure
system develops, air from the north and south of the low-pressure area must
flow into it. In the Northern
Hemisphere, air further to the south is traveling faster because it is closer
to the equator and therefore further from the Earth's axis of rotation, which
means it travels further in a day (rotational period) than the air to the north
of it. When that air from the south is
drawn north into a low pressure system, it will be moving faster than the
ground below it, since that northern ground has slower eastward motion than the
ground to the south.
So as the southern air moves
north, it will also move east due to its higher speed. Similarly, the air to
the north is moving slower than the air to the south. So when the air from the north is forced south toward the
low-pressure system, it lags behind the ground in the south, causing it to also
move west. Of course, the low-pressure
system will continue to draw the air, which causes it to swirl around the
low-pressure area in a counterclockwise direction. In the Southern Hemisphere this is reversed, and the air swirls
in a clockwise direction.
Coriolis Effect Related to
Meteorology: The tendency for any moving body on or above the earth’s
surfaces, e.g., an ocean current or an artillery round, is to drift sideways
from its course because of the earth's rotation. In the Northern Hemisphere the deflection is to the right of the
motion; in the Southern Hemisphere it is to the left. The Coriolis deflection of a body moving toward the north or
south results from the fact that the earth's surface is rotating eastward at
greater speed near the equator than near the poles, since a point on the
equator traces out a larger circle per day than a point on another latitude
nearer either pole.
A body traveling toward the
equator with the slower rotational speed of higher latitudes tends to fall
behind or veer to the west relative to the more rapidly rotating earth below it
at lower latitudes. S similarly, a body traveling toward either pole veers
eastward because it retains the greater eastward rotational speed of the lower
latitudes as it passes over the more slowly rotating earth closer to the pole. It is extremely important to account for the
Coriolis effect when considering projectile trajectories, terrestrial wind
systems, and ocean currents.
Cloud Formation: As air rises, it is a good approximation that the parcel cools adiabatically. Vertical motion is so rapid that as the air expands no heat exchange occurs between the particle and its surroundings. Condensation occurs when the air reaches saturation. Water droplets form on condensation nuclei and for the purposes of this study, this shall be assumed to happen when the air reaches 100% humidity. It shall also be assumed that there is a sufficient concentration of condensation nuclei for condensation to occur. In an adiabatic expansion, the ratio of temperature of the air, T, the pressure, P, the specific heat capacity at constant pressure, Cp, and R, the gas constant, holds as below:
T/P Raised to the Power R/Cp=B: This derives from the
first law of thermodynamics and using the definitions of specific heat capacity
and constant volume and at constant pressure.
The temperature at which air reaches a relative humidity of 100% depends
upon the total water content or absolute humidity of the air parcel as can be
seen from the chart below in Figure 1.
This derives from the first law of thermodynamics and using the definitions of specific heat capacity and constant volume and at constant pressure. The temperature at which air reaches a relative humidity of 100% depends upon the total water content or absolute humidity of the air parcel as can be seen from the chart below in Figure 1.
Atmosphere: The temperature differences produced by
inequalities in heating cause differences in air density and pressure that
propel the winds. Vertical air motions
are propelled by buoyancy: A region of air that is warmer and less dense than
the surroundings is buoyant and rises.
Air is also forced from regions of higher pressure to regions of lower
pressure. Once the air begins moving,
it is deflected by the Coriolis force, which results from the earth’s rotation. The Coriolis force deflects the wind and all
moving objects toward their right in the northern hemisphere and toward their
left in the southern hemisphere. It is
so gentle that it has little effect on small-scale winds that last less than a
few hours, but it has a profound effect on winds that blow for many hours and
move over large distances.
Coriolis Effect on Hurricanes: The Coriolis
Effect is not really much of an effect at all. Also known as the Coriolis
Force, this term is just used to define why a hurricane spins.
When the
hurricane travels, it is actually moving in a straight line. It appears to move in a curve because the
earth is moving underneath it.
In the northern hemisphere,
hurricanes rotate in a counterclockwise direction, whereas in the southern
hemisphere it moves clockwise.
Why? The earth’s surface is
rotating eastward at a greater speed near the equator than near the two poles. Storms traveling toward the equator will
veer to the west because it falls behind to the moving earth. Storms traveling
toward the poles will veer to the east because it will be ahead of, or faster
than, the moving earth.
swirling powerful storm that is formed over a warm sea is called a
hurricane. Hurricanes can cause
significant amounts of damage to anything in its path through fierce winds,
torrential rains, flooding, and its huge waves crashing ashore.
can kill more people and destroy more property than every other natural
disaster. The calm central where the
winds of the hurricane swirl around is called the eye. The eye is surrounded by a band of dark,
tall clouds called the eye wall. The
eye is serene as it is free of large clouds an rain. The eye is usually between 10 and 20 miles in diameter.
strongest winds in the hurricane's eye wall are caused by the large changes in
Temperature: Temperature is
very important in the development of hurricanes. First of all, in order for a hurricane to develop, waters must
have a surface temperature greater than 80 degrees (26.5 degrees Celsius). This is the reason why hurricanes develop
over tropical waters. August and
September are the months where the water is the warmest, which is why they are
the peak hurricane months.
Temperature is also the cause of
rising and sinking air. (More about
temperature in the link called atmospheric pressure.)
Wind Shear: Between higher and
lower levels of the atmosphere, there must be little difference in wind
shear. Wind shear is the speed and
direction between winds at upper and lower levels of the air. Winds must remain stable (in unison) for the
warm core of the storm to remain intact.
If winds increased in speed or changed direction, the storm would
probably disperse. Also, the bottom of
the hurricane could go one way and the top could go another, and this could
also cause a break up.
Atmospheric Pressure: Because of
temperature, warm, moist air rises.
This lowers the atmospheric pressure of the air beneath. Have you ever noticed while watching a
weather forecast high and low pressures?
Well, this rising of the air causes a low-pressure area.
In this area of low pressure, air
between the surface of the water and the top of the atmosphere is less
dense. Wind is created by the movement
of air switching its placement between areas of high pressure and low pressure. Wind now is affected by the Coriolis Effect,
which by now the hurricane can do some damage.
A hurricane viewed from
Big storms in the atmosphere are
usually centered on low-pressure areas and conform to those rules. Christophorus Buys Ballot in Holland first
observed this in weather patterns in 1857, though William Ferrell in the US had
predicted the phenomenon using arguments like the ones given here.
But don't expect to observe the
effect in bathroom sinks. Water
draining from a sink will usually swirl, because any rotation it has is greatly
speeded up as it is drawn to the center of the sink. A slow circulation near the edges of the sink, e.g. because the
sink itself is not completely symmetrical, becomes a fast vortex in the
middle. The rotation of the Earth,
however, is a much smaller factor than an uneven shape or heating of the sink,
or a slow motion left from the time the sink was filled. If all 3 points A,B,C are inside the sink,
with B at the drain, the difference in rotation speed (around the Earth's axis)
between point B and either of the other two is typically only about 0.001
millimeter per second or about 1/7 of an inch per hour.
The scale of the motion is what
makes the difference. Hurricanes obey
the "law of Buys Ballot," but the swirling of water in sinks is
primarily due to subtle asymmetries and "remembered motions" too slow
for the eye to detect. Even tornadoes
are not large enough--according to reports, they are equally likely to swirl in
either direction.
Hurricane Andrew |
On the scale of hurricanes and large mid-latitude storms, the Coriolis
force causes the air to rotate around a low-pressure center in a cyclonic
direction. Indeed, the term cyclonic
not only means that the fluid (air or water) rotates in the same direction as
the underlying Earth, but also that the rotation of the fluid is due to the
rotation of the Earth. Thus, the air
flowing around a hurricane spins counter-clockwise in the northern hemisphere,
and clockwise in the southern hemisphere (as does the Earth, itself). In both hemispheres,
this rotation is deemed cyclonic.
If the
Earth did not rotate, the air would flow directly in towards the low-pressure
center, but on a spinning Earth, the Coriolis force causes that air to be
deviated with the result that it travels around the low-pressure center.
In the accompanying picture of
the Caribbean, one can see the cyclonically spiraling clouds of Hurricane
Andrew (at the mouth of the Mississippi) and of another vortex in the
Atlantic. As you may already know, a
hurricane just doesn't come out to be a hurricane. A hurricane must develop into a hurricane. The following paragraphs will explain how a
hurricane comes about by using its stages. Almost everything has to
develop; they just do not "just come about." A hurricane is no different. So, let's take a look at the different
hurricane stages.
there is the tropical disturbance.
The tropical disturbance is an area of building rain clouds. These clouds are called cumulonimbus clouds,
which usually rain for about 1 to 2 hours, but if conditions are right for a
hurricane, more clouds will form.
comes the tropical depression, which is a low-pressure area that starts
to blow in a pattern that is circular.
This depression can be plotted on a weather map. This storm feeds other thunderstorms. Soon, the winds start blowing faster.
the tropical storm.
Meteorologists consider a tropical depression to be a tropical storm
when the winds exceed 38 miles per hour.
Clouds now have a well-defined circular shape, and usually the storm is
still being fed from heat and water vapor from the sea.
we come to the development of a hurricane, which comes about when a
tropical storm exceeds 74 miles per hour.
Now the storm has a well-developed eye.
The Coriolis Force is very small indeed but affects the draining
of a sink.
Water draining in the supposedly wrong way. |
Compared to the rotations that one usually sees (tires on a
traveling automobile, a compact disc playing music, or a draining sink) the
rotation of the Earth is very small: only one rotation per day. The water in a
sink might make a rotation in a few seconds and so have a rotation rate ten
thousand times higher than that of the Earth.
It should not be surprising, therefore, to learn that the Coriolis force
is an order of magnitude smaller than any of the forces involved in these
everyday-spinning things. The Coriolis
force is so small, that it plays no role in determining the direction of
rotation of a draining sink anymore than it does the direction of a spinning
The direction of rotation of a draining sink is determined by the way
it was filled, or by vortices introduced while washing. The magnitude of these rotations may be
small, but they are nevertheless gargantuan by comparison to the rotation of
the Earth. I decided to include a
picture of a draining sink, and the first one I tried in my house was found to
drain clockwise (the opposite of what the silly assertions would have it do
here in the northern hemisphere). This
direction was determined entirely by the way the tap filled the sink. The direction of rotation of a draining
toilet is determined by the way the water just under the rim is squirted into
the bowl when it is flushed.
Rotation in a Draining Sink: Yes, but it is very difficult. Because the Coriolis force is so small, one must go to
extraordinary lengths to detect it.
But, it has been done. You cannot use an ordinary sink for it lacks the
requisite circular symmetry: its oval shape and off-center drain render any
results suspect. Those who have
succeeded used a smooth pan of about one meter in diameter with a very small
hole in the center.
A stopper
(which could be removed from below so as to not introduce any spurious motion)
blocked the hole while the pan was being filled with water. The water was then allowed to sit
undisturbed for perhaps a week to let all of the motion die out, which was
introduced during filling. Then, the
stopper was removed (from below). Because
the hole was very small, the pan drained slowly indeed. This was necessary, because it takes hours
before the tiny Coriolis force could develop sufficient deviation in the
draining water for it to produce a circular flow. With these procedures, it was found that the rotation was always
formula for the Coriolis acceleration is:
(here and below) v is the velocity in the rotating system, ω is the angular velocity (the rotation rate and
orientation) of the rotating system.
The equation may be multiplied by the mass of the relevant object to
produce the Coriolis force.
that this is vector multiplication. In
non-vector terms: At a given rate of rotation of the observer, the magnitude of
the Coriolis acceleration of the object will be proportional to the velocity of
the object and also to the sine of the angle between the direction of movement
of the object and the axis of rotation.
The Coriolis
effect is the behavior added by the Coriolis acceleration. The formula implies that the Coriolis
acceleration is perpendicular both to the direction of the velocity of the
moving mass and to the rotation axis.
So in
the velocity is zero, the Coriolis acceleration is zero.
the velocity is parallel to the rotation axis, the Coriolis acceleration is
the velocity is straight (perpendicularly) inward to the axis, the acceleration
will follow the direction of rotation.
the velocity is following the rotation, the acceleration will be
(perpendicularly) outward from the axis.
considering atmospheric dynamics, the Coriolis acceleration (strictly a 3-d
vector in the formula above) appears only in the horizontal equations due to
the neglect of products of small quantities and other approximations. The term that appears is then
k is a unit local vertical, f = 2ωsin(latitude)
is called the Coriolis parameter and (u,v)
are the horizontal components of the velocity.
Force: The term “fictitious force” refers to a
calculational tool in physics. In
Newtonian mechanics, the basic laws of physics and equation of motion, F = ma only apply in an inertial frame of
reference. It is sometimes useful or
convenient to treat a problem in a reference frame which is non-inertial; in
this case, the motion of the frame (rotation) manifests itself in a way that
can be treated as a force within the context of the problem, now still using an
equation of the form F = ma but where
now the F includes these
"fictitious" forces. The
effect of these "fictitious" forces is perfectly real, but some
terminology is necessary to distinguish these force terms that arise only from
the noninertiality of the frame of reference from "real" forces, and
thus they are usually, but not universally, called "fictitious."
effect of a fictitious force is inferred to explain the accelerations observed
in the non-inertial frame. Due to this,
fictitious forces always act in direct proportion to the mass of the object
they act on. The two most
commonly-encountered fictitious forces are the Coriolis force and the
centrifugal force, found in rotating frames of reference such as the surface of
the Earth. While fictitious forces act
mathematically identically to physical forces in the non-inertial frame, they
are distinguishable from the others in that they do not appear to exist from
the point of view of an inertial observer.
Many times a non-inertial frame of reference is more useful than an
inertial frame, so fictitious forces may be included to more easily describe
the dynamics. For example, in a
computer program describing the motion of a gas module in the atmosphere, terms
for the Coriolis force are included along with true forces.
The concept of fictitious force is used in other models
of mechanics as well. However, the
precise mathematical definition of the term and classification of particular
forces will be different in theories with different notions of forces and
inertial reference frames. A true force
in one theory of physics may act as a fictitious force in another theory that
models similar phenomena in a different way.
For example, in general relativity, freefalling observers are the ones
who are in inertial frames of reference.
This means that an observer standing on the surface of a planet is
actually in an accelerated frame of reference, and that the gravity which that
observer perceives is actually a fictitious force.
representation of flow around a low-pressure area in the Northern hemisphere.
The pressure gradient force is represented by blue arrows, the Coriolis
acceleration (always perpendicular to the velocity) by red arrows.
If a
low pressure area forms in the atmosphere, air will tend to flow in towards it,
but will be deflected perpendicular to its velocity by the Coriolis
acceleration. A system of equilibrium
can then establish itself creating circular movement, or a cyclonic flow.
force balance is largely between the pressure gradient force acting towards the
low-pressure area and the Coriolis acceleration acting away from the center of
the low pressure. Instead of flowing down the gradient, the air tends to flow
perpendicular to the air-pressure gradient and forms a cyclonic flow.
is an example of a more general case of geostrophic flow in which air flows
along isobars. On a non-rotating planet
the air would flow along the straightest possible line, quickly leveling the
air pressure. Note that the force
balance is thus very different from the case of "inertial circles"
(see below) which explains why mid-latitude cycles are larger by an order of
magnitude than inertial circle flow would be.
pattern of deflection, and the direction of movement is called Buys-Ballot’s
Law. The pattern of flow is called a cyclone.
A cyclone is the rotation of a volume of air about an area of low
atmosphreric pressure. Cyclones are
responsible for a wide variety of different metereological phenomena such as
typhoons, hurricanes and tornadoes.
Because of this, most weather forecasters avoid using the term cyclone
without a qualifying term.
In the Northern Hemisphere the direction of movement around a
low-pressure area is counterclockwise.
In the Southern Hemisphere, the direction of movement is clockwise
because the rotational dynamics is a mirror image there. Cyclones cannot form on the equator, and
they rarely travel towards the equator because in the equatorial region the
Coriolis parameter is small and exactly zero on the equator.
Bathtubs/Toilets: People often ask whether the Coriolis
effect determines the direction in which bathtubs or toilets drain, and whether
water always drains in one direction in the Northern Hemisphere and in the
other direction in the Southern Hemisphere.
The answer is almost always no.
The Coriolis effect is a few orders of magnitude smaller than other
random influences on drain direction such as the geometry of the sink, toilet,
or tub; whether it is flat or tilted, the direction in which water was
initially added to it.
one takes great care to create a flat circular pool of water with a small,
smooth drain, to wait for eddies caused by filling it to die down, and to
remove the drain from below (or otherwise remove it without introducing new
eddies into the water) – then it is possible to observe the influence of the
Coriolis effect in the direction of the resulting vortex. There is a good deal of misunderstanding on
this point, as most people (including many scientists) do not realize how small
the Coriolis effect is on small systems.1
is less of a puzzle once one remembers that the earth revolves once per day,
but that a bathtub takes only minutes to drain. The increase in rotational speed around the plug hole is because
water is being drawn towards the plughole, and so its radius of its mass to the
point it is spinning around decreases so its rate of rotation increases from
the low background level to a noticeable spin in order to conserve its angular momentum (the same
effect as bringing your arms in on a swivel chair making it spin faster).
The time and space scales are important in determining
the importance of the Coriolis effect.
Weather systems are large enough to feel the curvature of the earth and
generally rotate less than once a day so a similar timescale to the earth's
rotation so the Coriolis effect is dominant.
An unguided missile, if fired far enough, will travel far enough and be
in the air long enough to notice the effect, but the dominant effect is the
direction it was fired in. Long range
shells landed close to, but to the right of where they were aimed until this
was noted (or left if they were fired in the southern hemisphere, though most
weren't). You don't worry about which
hemisphere you're in when playing catch in the garden though this is exactly
the same physics at a smaller scale. A
bathtub is best approximated (in terms of scale) by a game of catch.
Flow Meter: A practical application of the Coriolis
effect is the mass flow meter, an instrument that measures
the mass flow rate
of a fluid through a tube. The
operating principle was introduced in 1977 by Micro Motion
Inc. Simple flow meters measure volume flow rate, which is proportional to mass
flow rate only when the density of the fluid is constant. If the fluid has varying density, or contains bubbles, then the
volume flow rate multiplied by the density is not an accurate measure of the
mass flow rate. The Coriolis mass flow
meter operating principle essentially involves rotation, though not through a
full circle. It works by inducing a
vibration of the tube through which the fluid passes, and subsequently
monitoring and analysing the inertial effects that occur in response to the
combination of the induced vibration and the mass flow.
Ballistics: In firing projectiles over a significant distance, the rotation
of the Earth must be taken into account.
During its flight, the projectile moves in a straight line (not counting
gravitation and air resistance for now).
The target, co-rotating with the Earth, is a moving target, so the gun
must be aimed not directly at the target, but at a point where the projectile
and the target will arrive simultaneously.
Physics: In polyatomic molecules, the molecule motion
can be described by a rigid body rotation and internal vibration of atoms about
their equilibrium position. As a result
of the vibrations of the atoms, the atoms are in motion relative to the
rotating coordinate system of the molecule.
Coriolis effects will therefore be present and will cause the atoms to
move in a direction perpendicular to the original oscillations. This leads to a mixing in molecular spectra
between the rotational and vibrational levels.
Visualisation of the Coriolis Effect:
is a fluid assuming a parabolic shape as it is rotating. To demonstrate the Coriolis effect, a turntable
can be used. If the turntable is flat,
then the centrifugal force, which always acts outwards from the rotation axis,
would lead to objects being forced out off the edge. If the turntable has a bowl shape, then the component of gravity
tangential to the bowl surface will tend to counteract the centrifugal
force. If the bowl is parabolic, and
spun at the appropriate rate, then gravity exactly counteracts the centrifugal
force and the only net force (bar friction, which can be minimised) acting is
then the Coriolis force.
the turntable is a dish with a rim and filled with liquid, then when the liquid
is rotating it naturally assumes a parabolic
shape (for the same reasons). If a
liquid that sets after several hours is used, such as a synthetic resin, a permanent shape
is obtained.
cut from cylinders of dry ice can be used as pucks, moving around almost
frictionlessly over the surface of the parabolic turntable, allowing dynamic
phenomena to show themselves. To also
get a view of the motions as seen from a rotating point of view, a video-camera
is attached to the turntable in such a way that the camera is co-rotating with
the turntable. This type of setup, with
a parabolic turntable, at the center about a centimeter deeper than the rim is
used at Massachusetts Institute of Technology
(MIT) for teaching purposes. 2
Inertial Circles:
Representation. Inertial circles of air masses in
the absence of other forces, calculated for a wind speed of approximately 50-70
m/s. If an object moves subject only to
the Coriolis force, it will move in a circular trajectory called an 'inertial
In an
inertial circle, the force balance is sometimes most easily understood as being
between two fictitious forces, the centrifugal force (directed outwards) and
the Coriolis force (directed inwards).
The dynamics is thus quite different to mid-latitude cyclones or
hurricanes, in which cases the force balance is between the pressure gradient
force (directed inwards) and the Coriolis force (directed out).
particular, this means that the direction of orbit is opposite to that of mid-latitude
cyclones. The frequency of these
oscillations is given by f, the coriolis parameter; and their radius by [1]: v / f,
where v is the velocity of the air mass.
On the Earth, a typical mid-latitude value for f is 10-4;
hence for a typical atmospheric speed of 10 m/s the radius is 100 km, with a
period of about 14 hours. For a
turntable rotating about once every 6 seconds, f is one, hence the
radius of the circles, in cm, is numerically the same as the speed, in
cm/s. The centrifugal force is v2 / r and the Coriolis force vf, hence the forces balance when v2 / r = vf, i.e. v / f = r, giving the expression
above for the radius of the circles.
the rotating system is a turntable, then f is
constant and the trajectories are exact circles. On a rotating planet, f varies with latitude and the circles do not
exactly close. Closer to the equator
the component of the velocity towards or away from the Earth's axis is
smaller. This component varies as sin(latitude), and this is taken into
account in the parameter f. For a given velocity the oscillations are
smallest at the poles as shown by the picture and would increase indefinitely
at the equator, except the dynamics ceases to apply close to the equator. On a rotating planet the oscillations are
only approximately circular, and do not form closed loops as indicated in the
simplified picture.
Coriolis Effect Experiments: Next time you go to a playground, try this: Bring along a
ball and a friend, and get on the merry-go-round. Try throwing the ball to your friend across the ride from you, or
even just a few feet beside you, and see if they can catch it on the first
attempt. They won't be able to,
guaranteed. In fact, your throw will be
way off. You'll feel your arm pulled strangely to one side as you make the
throw, and once in flight, the ball will veer wildly.
Physicists call this the "Coriolis effect," and
it happens on any spinning platform.
Hurricanes swirl because of the
Coriolis effect, the spinning platform being Earth itself. Contrary to popular
belief, Coriolis forces do not control your bathroom drains--Earth doesn't spin
that fast. But playing ball on a
merry-go-round is definitely a Coriolis experience. Space travel could be a Coriolis experience, too.
Researchers have long known that
spinning spaceships like a merry-go-round could solve a lot of problems: In
weightlessness, astronaut's bones and muscles weaken. It's tricky to eat and drink, and even use the bathroom. Inside a spinning spaceship, on the other
hand, there would be an artificial gravity (due to centrifugal forces) that
keeps bodies strong and makes everyday living easier. The problem is, spinning spaceships also come with a strong
Coriolis effect. Tossed objects veer. Reach out to touch a button ... and your
finger lands in the wrong spot. Could
astronauts adapt to this? And if so,
could they adapt well enough to perform dependably in the life-threatening
environment of space?
That's what researchers James
Lackner and Paul DiZio are trying to figure out. With support from NASA's Office of Biological and Physical
Research, these two scientists are performing a series of experiments with
people in rotating chambers to learn how well astronauts might adjust to life
onboard spinning spaceships. They also
hope to find training techniques that could help ease the transition from
non-spinning to spinning, and back again.
Above: An artist's concept of a
spinning spaceship. Credit: John
Frassanito & Associates, Inc.
"Experiments done in the
1960s seemed to show that people did not adapt well to rotation," says
Lackner, the Meshulam and Judith Riklis, Professor of Physiology at Brandeis
University in Waltham, Massachusetts.
"But in those experiments, the subjects did not have well-defined
goals for their movements. We have
found that when a specific goal is given for the motion, people adapt rather
quickly." Given specific motion
goals (such as reaching out to touch a target), people in their study learned
to move accurately after only 10 to 20 attempts. Such a rapid adjustment surprised the researchers.
Says DiZio, an associate professor
of psychology at Brandeis, "we speculate that when a goal is present, the
brain dictates the desired motion to the muscles more precisely. Deviations
from that motion are detected more readily by sensory feedback to the
Why should people have this
natural ability to adapt to rotation?
Our bodies and brains might have evolved, to a degree, to
deal with the Coriolis effect. Every
time you turn and reach for something simultaneously, you have a brief Coriolis
experience. Turning atop an office
chair. Playing basketball. Spinning to see what made that strange noise behind
you! In each case, your brain makes
on-the-fly Coriolis adjustments.
Other discoveries surprised the
researchers, too. For example, after
rotating for a while, people in their study no
longer perceived the Coriolis effect. The veering pull on their arms and legs
seemed to vanish. Their brains had
compensated for it, so their minds no longer took notice of it.
Even stranger, when test-subjects
first return to a non-rotating environment, they report feeling a Coriolis-pull
in the opposite direction. It's just a trick of the mind, notes DiZio.
After another 10 to 20 attempts at a goal-oriented motion, their brains
readjust to the non-rotating world, and the phantom effect goes away.
DiZio and Lackner have found that
people can adapt to rotational speeds as fast as a carnival-ride-like 25
rpm. That is about as fast as people
turn their bodies during day-to-day life.
For comparison, a spinning spaceship would likely rotate more slowly,
perhaps 10 rpm, depending on the size and design of the craft.
To exert more control over the conditions of their
experiment, the researchers have tried something innovative: simulating the
Coriolis effect with a robotic arm.
Seated subjects would try to make certain motions with their arm while
the robotic arm gently pulls on their wrist in a way that mimics the Coriolis
The advantage of this approach is
that the robotic arm can be reprogrammed to pull in a variety of ways, thus
testing how subjects respond to different conditions. Using the arm, DiZio and Lackner have discovered that people can
adapt to a small, variable force even when it's masked by a larger, constant
force. So, for example, astronauts
should be able to adapt to a variable Coriolis effect in spite of some constant
background force, such as the steady push of a spacecraft's ion-propulsion
Many questions remain
un-answered. Do results based on arm
motions apply to the whole body? Does
carrying heavy tools make a difference?
After adapting once, can a person re-adapt more easily later? What's the best way to train astronauts for
life in a rotating home?
Coriolis Effect Affects Wind
Direction: Air flows from areas of higher pressure to areas of lower
pressure. Based on this fact, the
predicted wind direction for the area on the left side of this satellite image
would be from the southeast. The
Coriolis effect influences wind by deflecting its path to the right in the
Northern Hemisphere. The sequence of
weather satellite images shows that the actual wind direction is from the
southwest. The satellite images show
atmospheric motion over the northern Pacific Ocean for a 36-hour period.
The Coriolis effect on the wind:
4/'98 |
A further explanation of the
Coriolis effect (Section 11.4) is provided by Fig 1. The left part (a) shows a westerly wind
blowing over Australia. Part (b)
shows the wind blowing in the same direction (as seen in a fixed frame of
reference) three hours later, when the Earth’s rotation has turned the
continent around by 45 degrees. Now
this identical wind appears to come from the southwest. In other words, the origin of the wind and
its destination seem to have turned anticlockwise (i.e.?widdershins?) as
though pushed to the left. This
apparent leftwards torsion on the wind in the southern hemisphere is what we
mean by the Coriolis effect. (It is
rightwards in the northern hemisphere.) In reality the Coriolis force is
largely balanced by the pressure gradient force, so that the wind direction
typically changes little relative to the Earth over the course of 3
hours. This balanced wind is known as
the geotropic wind. |
Fig. 1. Australia as seen from outer space at (a) time 0 and (b) time 0+3h. |
Fig 2. Illustration of how an object on a straight path (from an
outsider's perspective) is seen, by an observer on the clockwise-rotating
platform, to rotate in a counterclockwise direction. In other words, from a 'southern hemisphere' perspective, the
object is 'pulled' to the left.
Another hand waving attempt to
explain the Coriolis force is given in Fig 2. The left diagram (a) shows an object flying along a straight path
across a rotating platform, which can be thought of as the Earth with the South
Pole in the center. M maintaining the analogy with the Earth, we assume that it
takes about 12 hours to travel from left to right across the diagram. At various times (numbered 1 thru 20 on the
diagram), an observer on the Earth sees this object in the directions shown in
(a) and transposed to a common origin in (b).
From the perspective of the observer on Earth, the freely moving object
appears to be pulled to the left.
Yet another way of persuading people of the reality of the
Coriolis effect was described by Durran and Domonkos (1). It involves a frictionless puck moving over
a rotating parabolic dish, and two video cameras. The puck consisted of a 1.2-cm disk of dry ice, which
automatically slides on a layer of carbon-dioxide gas.
The Coriolis Force on Astronauts: Wheel-shaped
space station with visiting winged spaceship.
(Von Braun's, from the early 1950's)
science-fiction film "2001: A Space Odyssey" featured spinning space
station, whose rotation provided the crew with "artificial
gravity." It was a wheel-shaped structure,
with hollow spokes connecting the wheel to a cabin in the center
(drawing). The cabin in the middle was
where transfers between the station and visiting spacecraft took place. Given such a rotation, something like
gravity would indeed be produced, with "down" being towards the
outside (Larry Niven expanded that notion into the fanciful science-fiction
novel "Ringworld" and its sequels).
When calculating this effect it is simplest to use the station's frame
of reference and add a centrifugal force to all other forces there.
However, when one moves in this
rotating environment, especially motion up and down the spokes, an additional
force is encountered. Imagine an
astronaut moving along one of the spokes, say from point A in the drawing to
point B--most likely, climbing a ladder, since such motion goes against the
station's "artificial gravity."
At any point, as viewed in the frame of the outside world, the astronaut
is also rotating around the station's axis.
At both point A and B, the rotation
is in the same direction, but at B it is slower, because that point is nearer
to the axis of rotation and therefore describes a smaller circle.
What happens at B to the extra
speed the astronaut had at A? According
to Newton's first law, loosely applied, the astronaut would tend to keep that
extra speed and would therefore be pushed against the side of the spoke
(direction of the arrows). That
push is the Coriolis force.
When the motion is in the opposite direction, from B to A, the direction
of the force is reversed.
Could animals be
using some “factor X” sensory capability not yet recognized?
by Melvin Kreithen: “If we are going to understand animal navigation, we must
discover a new sensory channel.
Existing ones are not sufficient to explain the behavior.” In 1942 Henry
L. Yeagley, a Pennsylvania State College physicist, proposed that a homing
pigeon could tune into the earth’s magnetic field and, simultaneously, sense
the effect of the earth’s rotation on its flight path—the Coriolis effect,
named after the French engineer who described it.
Yeagley argued that magnetic and Coriolis information would create a “navigational grid work” akin to lines of latitude and longitude, thus supplying the two coordinates for position finding. Those who thought it farfetched that a pigeon could sense the earth’s rotation dismissed Yeagley’s experiments. “Though Yeagley didn't really prove his case, history is showing that he was asking the right questions,” says Kreithen, who agrees that a pigeon might sense the earth's rotation. “People on a revolving disk detect rotations as slow as one every 2.4 hours. That's just an order of magnitude away from detecting the rotation of the earth. So it's not unreasonable to ask if an animal has that ability.” James Gould comments: “Given the contradictory results we get in pigeon studies, we probably should go out and do Yeagley’s experiments again. “At the turn of the century,” Gould continues, “we assumed that animals were color-blind, and it was an incredible shock for some of us to learn that bees had color vision. Later on we discovered that fish could hear, pigeons could see ultraviolet light, and snakes have an infrared sensing apparatus. “The whole history of animal behavior is the animals taking us by surprise,” says Gould. “Why shouldn't they have some surprises for us now?” Source: National Geographic, June 1991.
Contributors to Coriolis Effect Research
Force: Gaspard-Gustave de Coriolis (May 21, 1792-September 19,
1843), mathematicians, mechanical engineer, and scientist born in Paris,
France. In 1816 Coriolis became a tutor
at the Ecole Polytechnique. Here he
carried out experiments on friction and hydraulics. In 1829 Coriolis published a textbook, Calcul de l'Effet des
Machines (Calculation of the Effect of Machines) which presented mechanics
in a way that could be readily be applied by industry. In this period the correct expression for
kinetic energey, ,
and its relation to mechanical work became established.
the following years Coriolis worked to extend the notion of kinetic energy and
work to rotating systems. The first of
his papers, Sur le principe des forces vives dans les mouvements relatifs
des machines (on the principle of kinetic energy in the relative motion in
machines) was read to the Académie des Sciences (Coriolis 1832). Three years later came the paper that would
make his name famous, Sur les équations du mouvement relatif des systèmes de
corps (on the equations of relative motion of a system of bodies (Coriolis
1835). Coriolis's papers do not deal
with the atmosphere or even the rotation of the earth, but with the transfer of
energy in rotating systems like waterwheels.
name began to appear in the meteorological literature at the end of the
nineteenth century, although the term “Coriolis force” was not used until the
beginning of the twentieth century.
Today, the name Coriolis has become strongly associated with
meteorology, but all major discoveries about the general circulation and the
relation between the pressure and wind fields were made without knowledge about
Gaspard Gustave Coriolis. Coriolis died
at the age of 51 in Paris.
Henricus Diedericus Buys Ballot: (October 10
1817-February 3, 1890) He was a Dutch Chemist and metereologist after whom Buy’s
Ballot Law and the Buys Ballot table are called. The son of a Dutch Reformed minister, Buy Ballot attended the
Gymnasium at Zaltbommel and the Hogenshool University of Utrecht. After receiving his doctorate in 1844, he
became lecturer in mineralogy and geology at Utrecht; he added theoretical chemistry
in 1846. In 1847 he was appointed
professor of mathematics and from 1867 until his retirement he was professor of
Ballot is best known for his accomplishments in the field of mwtereology,
specifically the explanation of the direction of air flow in large weather
systems. Furthermore, he founded the Royal Dutch Meteorological Institute
(KNMI)) in 1854, and he remained its chief director until his death. He was one of the first to see the need for
international cooperation, and in 1873 became the first chairman of the International
Meteorological Committee, a precursor of the World Metereological Organmization
Ballot Law states, “That if a person in the Northern Hemisphere stands with his
back to the wind, the low atmospheric pressure is found to his left.” His main research effort in meteorology went
into examining long time series for regularities; he was more concerned with
establishing the regularities than in explaining them. He made no contributions to the theory of
meteorology which is perhaps surprising given his training in physics. The contrast with his American contemporary
and slightly earlier discoverer of Buy-Ballot's law William Ferrel is striking.
Ballot devised a tabular method for investigating periodicity in time
series. In 1847 he used the table now
named after him to determine the period of the sun's rotation from daily
observations of temperature in the Netherlands from 1729 to1846.
Series Investigation by Buys Ballot: In statisticss
and signal processing, a time series is a sequence of data points, measured
typically at successive times, spaced apart at uniform time intervals. Time series analysis comprises
methods that attempt to understand such time series, often either to understand
the underlying theory of the data points (where did they come from? what
generated them?) or to make forecasts (predictions). Time series prediction is the use of a model to predict
future events based on known past events: to predict future data points before
they are measured. The standard example
is the opening price of a share of stock based on its past performance.
for time series data can have many forms.
Two broad classes of practical importance are the moving average
(MA) models, and the autoregressive (AR) models. These two classes
depend linearly on previous data points and are treated in more detail in the
article on autoregressive moving averaging models (ARMA). Non-linear dependence on previous data
points is of interest because of the possibility of producing a cahotic time
number of different notations are in use for time-series analysis
a common notation which specifies a time series X which is indexed by
the natural numbers.
for investigating time-series data include: Consideration of the
autocorrelation function and spectral density function; Performionga Fourier
transform to investigate the series in the frequency domain; the use of a
filter to remove unwanted noise; artifical neural networks; time frequency
analysis techniques; and chaotic analysis.
Theory: Chaos theory deals with the behavior of
certain nonlinear dynamcycal systems that (under certain conditions) exhibit
the phenomenon known as chaos, most famously characterised by sensitivity to
initial conditions (butterfly effect).
As a result of this sensitivity, the observed behavior of physical
systems that exhibit chaos appears to be random, even though the model of the
system is 'deterministic' in the sense that it is well defined and contains no
random parameters.
of such systems include the atmosphere, solar system, plate tectonics,
turbulent fluids, economies, and population growth.
plot of the trajectory Lorenz system for values r=28, σ = 10, b = 8/3.
that exhibit mathematical chaos are deterministic and thus orderly in some
sense; this technical use of the word chaos is at odds with common
parlance, which suggests complete disorder.
When we say that chaos theory studies deterministic systems, it is
necessary to mention a related field of physics called quantum chaos theory
that studies non-deterministic systems following the laws of quantum mechanics.
(1817-1801), an American metereologist, developed theories which explained the
mid-latitude atmospheric calculation cell in detail, and it is after him that
the Ferrel cell is named. Ferrel
demonstrated that it is the tendency of rising warm air, as it rotates under
the effect of the Coriolis force, to pull in air from more southerly, warmer
regions and transport it poleward. It
is this rotation which creates the complex curvatures in the frontal systems
separating the cooler Arctic air to the north from the warmer continental
tropical air to the south.
Law: Ferrel's law, named after
William Ferrel (1717-1891), is a natural law in physical geography and
metreology. “If a body moves in any
direction on the earths surface, there is a deflecting force arising from the
earths rotation, which deflects it to the right in the norhtern hemisphere and
to the left in the southern hemisphere.”
This law applies to every body that is set in motion upon the surface of
the rotating earth, but usually the duration of the motion of any body due to a
single impulse is so brief, and there are so many frictional disturbances, that
it is not easy to observe the results of this deflecting force. The movements of the atmosphere, however,
are upon a scale large enough to make this observation easy, and the simplest
evidence is obtained from a study of the direction of the air movements in the
great wind systems of the globe.
circulation is the large-scale movement of air, and the means (together with
the ocean circulation) which is smaller
by which heat is distributed on the surface of the Earth. The large-scale structure of the atmospheric
circulation varies from year to year but the basic structure remains fairly
constant. However, individual weather
systems - midlatitude depressions, or tropical convective cells - occur
"randomly," and it is accepted that weather cannot be predicted
beyond a fairly short limit: perhaps a month in theory, or (currently) about
ten days in practice). Nonetheless the
average of these systems - the climate - is quite stable
Ferrel cell is usually shown between the Hadley and Polar cells, e.g.
atmospheric circulation. It is named
after William Ferrel, who was concerned with describing the surface flow in the
temperate zone of air that came from the Horse Latitudes, namely the
Westerlies. In the region of the
Atlantic ocean the Westerlies are the northern part of the general circulation
of air about the high pressure system that sits over the Horse latitudes. The
main 'problem' with the Ferrel cell is that it is thermally indirect. However, the true atmospheric circulation is
rather more complex than the simplified zonal mean pictures would lead one to
suspect. It is possible to argue that the
Ferrel cell does not exist.
Buys-Ballot's law, C.H.D. Buys Ballot, Web
site: http://www.brainyencyclopedia.com/encyclopedia/c/c_/c_h_d__buys_ballot.html
300 kb Quicktime movie of the Mars-bound ship
in motion. Credit: John Frassanito & Associates, Inc.Web site:
Buys Ballot, Christoph Hendrik Diederik,
Microsoft ® Encarta ® Reference Library 2004. © 1993-2003 Microsoft
Corporation. All rights reserved.
Gaspard-Gustave de Coriolis Web site: http://www.brainyencyclopedia.com/encyclopedia/g/ga/gaspard_gustave_coriolis.html
Gaspard-Gustave de Coriolis Web site: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaspard-Gustave_de_Coriolis
Cyclone Theory, Web site: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyclone
C.H.D. Buys Ballot, Wikipedia Encyclopedia,
Web site: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyclone
William Ferrel, Ferrel Law, Web site: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ferrel%27s_law
Could animals be using some “factor X” sensory
capability not yet recognized?
by Melvin Kreithen, Microsoft ® Encarta ®
Reference Library 2004. © 1993-2003 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Solar Navigatinm by Birds, Microsoft ® Encarta
® Reference Library 2004. © 1993-2003 Microsoft Corporation. All rights
Coriolis force, Microsoft ® Encarta ®
Reference Library 2004. © 1993-2003 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Tropical Storms,Microsoft ® Encarta ®
Reference Library 2004. © 1993-2003 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Trade Winds, Microsoft ® Encarta ® Reference
Library 2004. © 1993-2003 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Giant Ocean cataracts, Microsoft ® Encarta ®
Reference Library 2004. © 1993-2003 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Meteorology, Microsoft ® Encarta ® Reference
Library 2004. © 1993-2003 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Gaspaer de Coriolis, Microsoft ® Encarta ®
Reference Library 2004. © 1993-2003 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Coriolis Force and Noninertial Effects, David
H. McIntyre, Department of Physics, Oregon State University, Web Site: http://www.physics.orst.edu/~mcintyre/coriolis/
Physical Effects of the Earth's Rotation
(Coriolis Effects), Web Site: cseligman.com/text/planets/coriolis.htm
Centripedal force,Web Site: hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/corf.html
Coriolis Force and Noninertial Effects, David
H. McIntyre, Department of Physics, Oregon State University, Web Site: http://www.physics.orst.edu/~mcintyre/coriolis/
Dr. James Hayes White Paper, Subject: Coriolis
Effects on Strategic Weapon Systems, Colsa Corporation, December 2005.